Thursday, December 22, 2016


Like any society, the people in it have have tasks to carry out in the form of jobs and careers. Below is a list of P-Ville jobs and careers. It is NOT a complete list. The list is never completed but rather under continual change or evolution. P-Villians are encouraged to create new needed jobs and eliminate old unneeded jobs. Some of the jobs below have short videos explaining how to carry out various tasks.


1) P-ville Intro
2) Directors of Daily Announcements (Odd & Even Recorders) by Mac & Nina
B) Weather
C) Survey
D) Random Facts
E) Quotes - How to do Quotes?
G) This Day In History
H) Question Tally 

     I) Justice & Micah's Question of the Day
     II) Koko's Learned Lessons
     III) Pun of the Day
     IV) Sam the Music Man's Song of the Day
     V) Devin's Survival Tip
     VI) Barakat's Joke of the Day

3) Daily Stock Analyst (2021 Addendum Video) (Daily Update)
4) Stock Broker
5) Universal Stock Broker  
6Director of Economy(2021 DoE)

7Director of Integrity (DoI) 
8) Director of Technology (DoTECH)
9Director of Maintenance (DoM) 

10) Chief of Police (DoP) 
11) Deputy Police (2-3 per period)
12Director of Beautification (DoB)(Class Posters)

13) Director of Directors (DoD Video)

14) Supreme Council
15) Director of Randomness (DoR)
16) Director of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)
g) Director of Special Events (DoSE)
h) Director of Treasury (DoT)

i) Flag Bearer 
j) Private Contractors (HS Construction / Terms & Conditions)
k) Consultants 

Retro Pay Info (G Doc?)

King P would like to see P-Ville Citizens continually developing all of P-Ville including the P-Ville Jobs. P-Ville is for you, the people, to develop and evolve. As King P says, "Vive le evolution!"